winter solstice - kim ann clay psychotherapist

Finding the Light During the Darkest Night

Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere this year occurred on Monday December 21, 2020 at 5:02am EST. It is the celebration of the Light representing death and rebirth, as the old Sun dies and the Sun of the new year is born on the longest night of the year. The word “solstice” comes from the Latin word sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still). It has been observed and celebrated in cultures all over the world for thousands of years. It represents surviving hardship, turning a corner, and welcoming brighter days ahead.



The Winter Solstice and holidays also marks an important time for remembering and connecting with family and loved ones and honoring ancestors. Many of the customs, symbols, and rituals associated with Christmas are actually connected to Winter Solstice celebrations of the holidays or ‘holy days’ of ancient Pagan cultures. These rituals, traditions, and stories exist to remind us of deeper truths.

For many people the holidays this year may be an emotionally challenging time, given cautions around family and friends gathering together, and especially for those who may be mourning the loss of loved ones. Through remembering our inner Light, we can also remember and connect to the light and love of our deceased loved ones and our ancestors who passed their light and love onto us.



This has been a difficult year for all of us, but the solstice reminds us that brighter days await us. But rather than waiting for the light to shine on us, we have to embrace the darkness around us and find the light within. The dark days during this time of year are a powerful time for turning within inviting reflection, renewal, and reconnecting to the light of your soul. The solstice is a time in the year when it’s the darkest, so we have to trust the cycle, embrace the shift, and go inward to access our light. The changing light is part of the rhythm of what it means to be human.

Sometimes we can’t do this work of turning inward on our own. We need the presence of another human being to accompany us on that journey inward to help us find our power and light. Someone to remind us that darkness and shifting cycles are inevitable, but we all have the power within ourselves to overcome obstacles.

As we turn this corner, we head into a new era filled with light and hope. It is at this darkest moment that we know it will only get lighter. It is not always easy to see the light and find hope. If you need support, I am here for you. Contact me to get guidance and support, and to find your inner light.

“Solstice means “sun stands still,” as if the warmth and radiance of life itself hangs in the balance at critical points in the course of planetary existence. When the world becomes darker, the inner light of the soul becomes more important.”

~ Michael Meade

Posted by Kim Ann Clay