Heal Your Soul by Connecting to Ancestral Lineages - Kim Clay LMFT

Connecting to Your Ancestral Lineages

As these late summer days turn toward fall, you may find yourself feeling weary and perhaps overwhelmed at times with the prolonged state of uncertainty and unrest that continues to unfold in the world. Our lives have changed in so many unexpected ways. Thoughts of “risk” and “safety” are at the forefront of our minds for so many of us as we navigate new ways for social contact and connection with loved ones. Some are adjusting to too much alone time, and others are adjusting to not enough alone time.



This extended global “time out” has created the space for many of us to slow down and practice tuning into ourselves. Notice where you need help – is it with internal conflict? Do you have challenging thoughts during this time of chaos? Do you feel out of balance within your family? How has this new way of living affected your relationships with family members? Are you more disconnected with your family or more immersed with them? What areas of your life have been affected and need healing? Listen to what your mind, body, and soul are telling you. 



As we are forced to turn inwards, we are cultivating a connection to our body, breath, and a deeper part of our being – our soul consciousness. This connection to our deeper, intuitive soul-self can grow and evolve through consistent and steady meditation practices. It can become a powerful resource for navigating times of stress and anxiety as well as become a powerful source of nourishment and inner peace.

One of my daily meditation practices includes remembering and connecting to my ancestors – those who came before me and who passed on the thread of life to me through my ancestral lineages. This is a powerful way to cultivate a sense of being connected to something larger than yourself. It creates an opening to receive the gifts and blessings from our ancestors as a source of nourishment and support in our life.  


  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to ground and center yourself.
  • Take a few moments to connect to your body and to deepen your breath.
  • Focus your awareness and your breath into your heart center.
  • Cultivate the feeling of love by thinking about someone who you love; a family member, friend, or pet.
  • Invite a connection to your ancestors by remembering their names (silently speaking their names) within your heart space. Begin with your parents then move back through your maternal lineage and paternal lineage as far as you can remember. Don’t worry if you can’t remember specific names. The act of remembering your ancestors and their place in your family lineage awakens your connection to them. 
  • Ask your ancestors for their wisdom and guidance around an issue that you may need support with in your life right now. Be open to receive their wisdom and blessings. 
  • Take some time to reflect on any guidance that came through for you. 
  • You may also want to spend some time journaling your thoughts and feelings. 
  • Know that you can return to this heart based connection with your ancestors anytime through this ritual of remembering.


This connection with our ancestral lineages allows for deep healing and transformation for ourselves within our families. Learn more about family constellation work or contact Kim to work one-on-one with her to deepen your connection with your past and nourish your soul.

Posted by Kim Ann Clay