Live Your Life With Greater Compassion

Family Constellation work empowers us to move forward in our lives with greater compassion and clarity, deeper love and acceptance of our relationships, and a greater understanding of our soul’s purpose. Family Constellations allow us to look at the unresolved issues in our life and to heal with our family members. This is a personal healing process that can happen for an individual without involving family members directly in the Constellation work. Any issue can be presented and worked through in a Constellation regardless of your relationship with your family members or how much you may know about your family history. Through Family Constellations we can begin to see how the issues we struggle with in our life are often linked to events and conditions from the past. By looking at the patterns within our family we can begin to see where loyalties have become out of balance, where there have been assumptions made around feelings, and where love has stopped flowing within the family. Clearing these unresolved energetic entanglements allow us to move forward in our life with greater awareness and compassion, and allow for the gifts of our ancestors to become present in our lives.

Family Constellations effectively address: 

  • Creating more harmonious relationships: parents, siblings, partners, children, and extended family members
  • Healing loss within relationships: divorce, separation, infidelity, miscarriage, termination, stillbirth, and adoption
  • The impact of death 
  • The impact of violence and abuse
  • Illness and disease processes
  • Challenges of immigration and migration
  • Career and financial issues


Bert Hellinger, the founder of Family Constellation work, believed that “love follows the hidden order of the Greater Soul.” Setting up a Constellation creates an opening into the unconscious realm for a client and brings light to what needs to be seen and healed for love to flow more freely. This is the process of moving from the story we tell (mental level), into our hearts where we feel our feelings (emotional level), and ultimately into a deep inner knowing (soul conscious) where peace and resolution can be found. Family Constellations can be done in a private session, on Zoom, over the phone, or in a group seminar. In a private session wooden figurines or foam footprints are used to hold the place of representatives for family members in the Constellation. If working over Zoom, clients are asked to have available small objects such as rocks, shells, coins, or crystals to hold the place of representatives for family members. Family Constellation work offers us the opportunity to create healing for ourself, our family, and allow us to feel the support our ancestors in our life. The gift that Bert Hellinger offers us is what lies at the root of Family Constellation work: which “is the skill of learning how to listen to the authority of one’s own soul.”


Contact Kim and begin your process of healing with your family. 


Learn more about Kim’s Family Constellation work by visiting Family Soul Healing

“I see my roots in my father, my mother, my grandfathers, my grandmothers and all my ancestors. I know I am only the continuation of this ancestral lineage.”

~ Thich Nhat Hanh